Monday, August 21, 2006

And well, there you go...

I went back to Pune about a week back.
And I've got good news and I've got bad news.
Pune is as Pune was. The roads are as bad as they ever were, possibly worse. I know, I know, not humanly possible, but who ever told you the PMC was human? It's still raining as much as it ever was, and the lights still go at the drop of a hat. Yup, nothing's changed in Pune.
And now for the bad news.
College ain't the same when you're not in it.
It's a feeling that sticks with you throughout. You meet everybody, and that is a wonderful experience. All the teachers, all the buddies, all the supporting cast... and all that is to the good.
But the magic ain't there.
Everybody back there has his or her own life to lead, and although everybody will talk to you, you get the distinct feeling that you're part tourist, part visitor to a museum, if you know what I mean. It's like you've packed a pair of binoculars and gone on a trip to the past. You can see but please don't touch kind of visit.
The rooms have nostalgia plastered all over them, the corridors have memories, and worst of all, you suck at TT.
Old and all. I'm the one with the salary now.
Unasked for advice to those still in college. Not that you needed to be told, but peoples, please party.
Every night.

1 comment:

Dionysus said...

aaack...the pressure's too do i cope with this added responsibility of partying...some1 please pour me a drink.

You hate me. Yes, I guessed.