Thursday, January 10, 2008

Bhelcome to Heppy New Year 2008

Hellos children.
Kulkarni Ungaal is back in bijhness in 2008, and here's wishing all my loyal readership a very heppy 12 months.
It's been a hectic time for yours truly - I attended a couple of weedings (well, I meant to type out weddings, but perhaps my subconsciousness got it right there) in the last couple of months, and the great funeral procession has finally started. One by one, the brave and valiant brothers who call themselves my peers are being led up to be guillotined by people who claim to be their well-wishers. It's started, and this year, it threatens to become a landslide.
Sigh. Well, sooner or later. Had to happen types se hai.
Self is uncomfortably aware that Damocles blade is swinging over self's cranium with a rather more enthusiastic oscillatory motion this year, but self will cheerfully ignore it. Hah, so there.
Apart from that, life consists of getting busier at office, watching movies (Taare Zameen Par - take a bow, Aamir Ungaal), reading books (A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson, and The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid by the self same chappie - he can take a bow as well) and other such mundane stuff.
I know, I know. But now what to do.
But anyways, that and all that and all that stuff aside, me be wondering about what to write on the blog this year.
More poems? More short stories? More reminisces about Pune? All of the above? None of the above and a whole new direction altogether?
Or, as has been the proud tradition till date on Life Beyond Gokhale, write when inspiration strikes?
Me, as usual, be wondering.

Now playing: Dire Straits - Telegraph Road

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