Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Arre But - Part I

Ladies and Gentlemen,

And the creeps who call themselves my friends,

I'm going to get married on the 23rd of November, 2008.

And as an aspiring writer, I know that I've goofed up. You're supposed to build up to the climax,  you're not supposed to start with it. Which, of course, is exactly what I've gone and done - once you've let that particular cat out of the bag, there really is very little left to write about.

Sort of like all of philosophy being nothing but a footnote to Plato, only a lot more cataclysmic.

Still, be that as it may, it was important to be frank and manly and get that off my chest. Right at the outset, as it were. No beating around the bush, no dilly-dallying. Out with it and all that.

So. Yes, I'm getting married. Traipsing down the aisle, getting into holy wedlock, catching the tiger by the tail.

And you, my devoted, loyal readership; you will be treated to a ringside view of the entire circus. You'll meet the bride-in-waiting (Vasundhara Sen, known to all and sundry by her nom-de-battleaxe - Boshu), you'll meet both the families, the many delighted shopkeepers in Delhi and Pune, the rest of the ensemble (who, it must be said, is looking forward to the whole thing with disgustingly ghoulish delight) and it will all culminate in a picture of I in a dhoti.

And by God, if that is not bait, I don't know what is.

Keep an eye out for these yarns - if past evidence is anything to go by, Kulkarni will be dishing up some entertainment for sure.

"Marriage is our last, best chance to grow up" - Joseph Barth

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