Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Wrapping Up Time, Peoples...

Done. Finito.
Bangalore is going to be waving a tearful goodbye to moi in about three weeks. It's been a crazy three years... well, almost. Almost three years, and almost crazy.
There's been a refurbishing of the Yam, there's been the Belladonna. Trips to Mysore, to Pune, to Goa... hell, I got married.
But c'est tout. Finis.
Ata Pune.

But it wouldn't hurt to touch upon a couple (and maybe more) of vignettes around this place - fun times should be noted down for posterity.

Although it might be prudent to note, given my procrastination skills, that this is merely a plan - don't get your hopes too high.


1 comment:

Gobri said...

Go boy. Go your way. Go to Pune. I just will not be there to say goodbye.