Wednesday, May 09, 2007

From the Deep End of The Pool


Umm, seriously. What is about to come up ain't exactly light reading, so if you're looking for the blog world's equivalent of a popcorn flick, plis to be coming back later. Today's not a good day for that sort of thing.

I remember standing outside Ruparel college, back in 2000. School had gotten over, and college was a brand new thing. I was worried about not knowing anybody, about the fact that the school uniform, and the ease of familiarity it bought along with it, was now a thing of the past. I was worried about the fact that I would now have to study new things, about the fact that I would have to make new friends. And all that jazz.
I knew life until then, and I did not know about my life up ahead. And therefore a little scared.

It's not the same story today.

I have known my life until now, and I know what is in store up ahead. Not the particulars, but the pattern. And therefore not scared, but a little depressed.
Life sheds the leaves of the autumn of our youth. I and the buddy clan I have, that is. The spring of adulthood is here, but the rain is gloomy and the air hangs heavy.
Things might, and probably will, clear up in the years to come, but now - today, the prospect of a mature life is a leetle bit sobering.
Drinking binges ain't exactly top of the list anymore. It's not that they won't happen, but they won't be as eagerly anticipated as they were before.
People younger than us will venture out on motorcycles and we'll know the fear I know my parents knew. Relationships will fructify into marriages, and others that we thought to be a shoo-in for matrimony will wither away - for keeps.
Folks back home will grow old and old Hippocrates will become a rather more frequent visitor.
Speaking of which, there will come a time when the doc nods disapprovingly at our tummies too.
Dreams of a home of our own will now be given a tadka of reality, and the dish may not be as tasty as we had dreamed it would be. Loans and cars, amounts outstanding on the plastic in our wallets and career speedbreakers. Hell, career breakers, for that matter.
Some of this has already happened, and some will, in the not so distant future.
We see ourselves growing up, and while that may be a good thing, saying adieu to the days of carefree laughter ain't topping my list of things to do.
But it must be done. If not now, then later. Soon enough.
Pack your bag, children. Peter Pan don't exist.

P.S. types se hai.
While that and all that may be true (and it is), a cold beer is still a cold beer.
And buddies are still buddies.
All deserts have their oases, and my refrigerator has a coupla cans still.
Literally as well.


Anonymous said...

depressingly true mon ami...
however, unless we get lucky and someone invents the secret to eternal youth before we pop off, there's not much to be done about it...

still, infrequent as they are, there are still some times we can forget the fact that the bloody clock is ticking away... not so sold on the beer, but the people... possibly... at least, everyone moves along at relatively the same time... cheers...

Dionysus said...

what happened now?

I think you're preparing us for the announcement that Anish's mom found you a girl..and you were too mortal to protest.

a big yawn said...

so its not just me who is thinking in these lines i see.. actually i might not be suprised if it all of us who are.
i am sorry but i thought it would make my stance a bit more pertinet if i posted2 of my own .. to let you know how i felt