Friday, November 02, 2007

Blogging Boston - 8

As dawn meets darkness over the cusp of the mountain top, a car shall fly over dull grey tarmac.
Slowly, one by one, kilometers will be eaten up and Bombay shall recede. The ghats will be climbed, and Lonavala will be thrown behind.
The air will get cooler, and MH-12 number plates will appear.
And then the Expressway will get over, and I will be on NH-4. Hoardings advertising flats will spring up and fall back in the rear-view mirror.
Pot-bellied cops in white and brown (with jhatang goggles) will be spotted at important junctions, and I might step out and hug them.
And out in the distance, far to my left, resplendent in the early morning light, will come into view the city of Pune.
Not long after, I will meet family, and eat breakfast at Roopali.
Soon, ladies and gentlemen, I will blog Boston no more.


Anonymous said...

amen to that

- a fellow day counter

Anonymous said...

hug the pot-bellied !! :):)
Pune rocks & the steaming cuppa at Roopali beckons...

bhumika said...

reminded me of the times I travelled by bus from Ahmedabad to Pune

Binoy said...

last dec, entry marrin, Cherry waitin, Cold Coffee drinkin, mommy go surprisin and finally Mutton Biryani. Bhaat an entry,no?