Friday, November 30, 2007

A Theist! I'm A Theist!

Really, I am one now.

And you would be one too, if you got to hear about this.

Kulkarni has always maintained - and loyal readers and dear friends will be well aware of this - that drinking beer is a religious experience.

It elevates and it enlightens. It educates and it ennobles.

That it also makes you happy is a positive side effect that proves the benevolence of the Almighty One above.

But above all, the act of drinking beer is a holy, spiritual experience.

And what brings the beatific smile to the face is that fact that there are people on this planet who think making beer is a holy spiritual experience as well.

Talk about symbiosis.

To all you Belgian monks with vows of silence and mugs of ale - a reverent round of cheers.

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