Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I'm Ideating

It's two in the morning, and I cannot sleep.
I'm thinking of half baked ideas that may or may not work. Ideas that may let me earn my own bread, and live my own life.
Ideas that I've had with varying degrees of intensity and luminescence over the last two years or so.
Ideas that have been plain, downright fanciful. Ideas that I knew would never work. Ideas that I desperately wished (and wish) would work.
Ideas that have been spun out over cold beer, and ideas that have been discussed over the phone. Ideas that have sprung out of almost finished bottles of whiskey, and ideas that have forced their way into dreary Monday afternoons.
Ideas that promise me deliverance, ideas that promise to liberate.
Whether one of them will finally roll up it's sleeves and get to work, I do not know.
But until then, I'll wear an effin' tie on Mondays, and formals on Fridays, and I'll think about ideas.

I hate IBM.

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