Monday, September 01, 2008

Life na.

Two can't make it.
Confirmed can't make it.
Of the very select few that I would really and truly want at my wedding, two can't make it.
It doesn't seem to matter - the preparations go along merrily.
It didn't matter, it was of no consequence when the dates were decided, and it doesn't matter now, when the last nail enters the bloody coffin.

But I'm the one getting married, and it matters to me.

Ah well. We'll meet in December and we'll hug, and get drunk, and cry, and then celebrate.
Bhaisaab Phancy Dress, that's how it will be.

Haan Phir!


Binoy said...

It matters bro, it does. Cause no matter how much we try to keep things like before, it seems to be going much the other way.

Atleast with us I thought "Life na" wouldn't happen but here we are living the cycle as it has been happening for generations.

Unknown said...

cheep up bro...come December we shall resume activities like watching constellation, dancing on tables and creating hell's brew ;)